Hope Lived in Multiple Intelligences

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Check out the NPR story to hear of a man who looked for hope and found it in abundance for sick people who had lost theirs. Do you hold hope in tough times? Research shows how hope lives within more areas of the human brain than once recognized.

No question, it takes focus to spot hope for our lives, as you’ll see answers given by Dr. Groopman. While he admits to both mistakes and successes, Groopman shows the power people have to motivate or crush hope. In his own words:

“Hope does not cast a veil over perception and thought. In this way, it is different from blind optimism: It brings reality into sharp focus.”

Hope fuels Dr. Howard Gardner’s Intrapersonal intelligence and yet it can be triggered daily by other unique intelligences too.

How so?

Intrapersonal intelligence stirs hope through meditation, reflection on growth possibilities. Think of it as an inward turn toward growth in that relaxed mental setting that draws from hope’s deeper pools. Like eagles beat the winds of the upper air,  introspective intelligence elevates our minds over panic, past anxiety, and  high over common fears. Amazingly, factors of dread tend to fade when intrapersonal activities increase thickness in the cerebral cortex, especially in areas of attention and sensation. Reconnect neurons of well-being, and you’ll add to the number of support cells in that domain,  and expand blood vessels for hope too.

Musical intelligence triggers hope through increasing sensitivity of the brain stem to the sounds of wonder. Activate your brain’s reward centers and depress hopeless concerns in the amygdala through music that reduces fear and eliminates other negative emotions.

Bodily kinesthetic intelligence stokes hope through increasing neurons in your hippocampus – where you call up trusted facts to improve your brain’s executive functions. Movement enables you to plan and organize far better results. It also boosts moods to lift your expectations, and it improves neuron survival well past those golden years.

In much the same way:

Linguistic intelligence compels us to question and to live insights experts write or speak concerning hope.

Interpersonal intelligence inspires us to spend time with and learn from those who express hopeful ways to live.

Naturalistic intelligence draws out hope in human brains, through its many rejuvenated colors and textures.

Mathematical intelligence challenges us to delve into science research for hopeful solutions to problems we face.

Where does hope live in your day? More importantly,  what will it take to stir hope’s brightly lit guides and illuminate your difficult pathways for the coming week?

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset

6 thoughts on “Hope Lived in Multiple Intelligences

  1. Pingback: Facilitate Innovative Brainpower! – Brain Leaders and Learners

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  4. Pingback: Serotonin Taps Build Brainpower – Brain Leaders and Learners

  5. eweber Post author

    Chris, what a wonderful tribute to the extravagance of the human brain. It comes at a great time for me, because a few days ago I held a party for friends and colleagues to celebrate my new dual Canadian – American citizenship. 59 wonderful people came to this party and each spoke of hope and the wonderful future we can expect as we build together. Your comment is a lovely expression of that hope that all human brains hold and some people activate and live! Thanks!

    Hey Chris, enjoy the Sushi together!

  6. Chris Crimmins

    Thank you first of all for assisting me to continually find hope. What we communicate to the ones around us is extremely contagious, and I appreciate your breed of ailment.

    Your mention of music brings to my mind the elevator it is to me. Personally it activates an aspect of my brain that not only elevates my mood and hope, but actually allows me to focus on the task at hand.

    The other aspect of my life that brings hope is in my relationship with my wife. The common connectivity is so important to my level of hope. In fact, I am leaving after I write this to eat Sushi and to connect.


    Chris Crimminss last blog post..Leaky Faucet

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