Join Discussion to Jumpstart Brainpower at Meetings!

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What could your next meeting do differently to jump-start more brainpower and make a difference?

People constantly complain that meetings suck where they work, and surprisingly few feel they can transform these fiascoes.

Join dynamic Free Webinar on Tuesday 8:00 PM – EST at this link and make a difference at your next meeting!

Consider mind-bending  strategies that will lead change at your next meeting, so that more innovation emerges. See innovative meetings e-handbook here for dozens of practical strategies that bring meetings alive where you work.

Susan Mazza from Random Acts of Leadership interviews me, as Founder and President of MITA International Brain Center, and Dr. Robyn McMaster,  as  Senior VP here at MITA.

Look forward to hearing your ideas – and addressing questions! Any thoughts ahead?

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset